Natalie, antigua alumna de Ciencias Políticas de la CEU UCH, lleva años desarrollando su vida profesional en el ámbito de las relaciones diplomáticas. Actualmente está trabajando como asesora en la embajada de Argentina en Helsinki.
Tal vez, para muchos de vosotros, esto sería el trabajo ideal y por ello os preguntaréis qué hizo Natalie para llegar hasta aquí.

Durante sus años de estudiante de la carrera de Ciencias Políticas, Natalie pronto decantó sus gustos por el ámbito internacional. En este sentido, en su último año de carrera solicitó, y obtuvo, una beca de colaboración para trabajar en la Cátedra Jean Monnet, que regenta la Catedrática de Derecho Internacional Susana Sanz. Ya como licenciada consiguió una beca para trabajar en la Fundación Comunidad Valenciana-Región Europea, órgano de representación de la Comunidad Valenciana ante las instituciones europeas. Durante estas prácticas, tuvo la oportunidad de representar a nuestra comunidad en distintas reuniones del Comité de las Regiones de la Unión Europea.
De ahí saltó a trabajar como asistente en la embajada de Chile en Helsinki. Después pasó a trabajar en la embajada argentina, en la Sección Económica e Inversiones, también en la capital finlandesa. Actualmente está trabajando para la embajada chilena en la Sección Económica y Comercial… Como podréis observar, la carrera profesional de Natalie está totalmente encauzada.
¿Queréis saber más sobre Natalie? A continuación os dejamos algunas de las preguntas que le hizo el departamento de Relaciones Internacionales del CEU a Natalie:
P. Which are your professional aims at work?
R. I appreciate having a certain amount of autonomy to develop new projects and ideas. I believe this is the best way to prove your worthiness
P. Which is your last project/work? And the most important?
R. Last June 10-12 the Embassy organized an investment road-show with the visit of the Director and Deputy Director of the Chilean National Investment Committee. We divided the delegation in two groups, the first one with an institutional profile allowing Chilean representatives to meet their counterparts from Finnish public agencies and ministries and a second part, aimed to private investors. In this regard, an investment seminar was organized at the headquarters of Finnvera (the Finnish export credit agency). It is my most important project because among the attendants there were senior executives of the largest banks and insurance/investment funds and 2 Secretaries of State from the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, respectively. I am currently organizing a dried fruits trade mission which will visit Finland on September 2-4 as part of their tour throughout Scandinavia. This delegation is partly funded by ProChile, the equivalent to the Spanish ICEX.
P. Do you think your academic training at University have helped you in your daily work?
R. Undoubtedly, our academic background is an asset.
P. Tell us briefly how a usual day at your work is.
R. I can´t really say I have a routine or something like that. It really depends on the day and the events ahead. As I am in charge of the economic and commercial section, during the year I draft 4 macroeconomic reports about Finland and Estonia (one for each economic quarter), the “Doing Business guide” for both countries and the yearly trade program of the Embassy. I organize missions/delegations visiting Finland and Estonia, trade promotion activities and I am in charge of the financial accounts of the Embassy. Exceptionally, I prepare Ambassador’s speeches.
P. In general, what is your impression of the studies you did at CEU Cardenal Herrera University?
R. I am very satisfied with my years at the University. I used to think it was a pity that no more economic and international relations extra-curricular activities/seminars/ workshops were organized however I understand not everybody may find them useful/interesting enough.
P. Would you recommend CEU Cardenal Herrera University to people with academic interests like your own?
R. Definitely
P. How were your professors like? Did they motivate you to excel in your field of expertise, to reach for more than what might be considered the norm?
R. Most of them wanted us to become as passionate as they were in their fields of expertise. I remember Susana Sanz encouraging us to do an internship abroad, Evaristo Ferrer sharing its economic analysis dossiers, drafting our first’s socio-political reports for Arturo Sanchis and Ainhoa Uribe, among others. All these have proved to be useful nowadays.
Esperemos que pronto Natalie pueda visitarnos y nos cuente personalmente su experiencia.