“Architecture and Landscape” with Carmina Gheorghita on our School’s 3rd iWeek

Architecture student Francisco Jarrín has written this report about the conference by Carmina Gheorghita within the current iWeek edition. We wish you enjoy it and that you get the most out of this iWeek!


During February, and to start with the second semester of the year, our Technical School (ESET) organizes the third edition of the International Week, iWeek. The subject for this year is “Architecture and landscape: Promenades and Sights“.

The iWeek is a seminar-type workshop on which a common project is presented for all our students of Architectural Projects from the second year onwards. During the seminar, students of different courses work together to develop projects, on which the Erasmus Program students also take part of.

For this third edition, the iWeek aims to reflect on the relationship between architecture and landscape. The objective will be to propose a design for a viewpoint in Cuenca.

In addition to lectures, corrections, and workshops, conferences will also take place during the iWeek with international guests, like Carmina Gheorghita, who was in charge of the first conference. She is an architecture teacher from the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași (TUIAȘI) in Romania.

The topic presented by Carmina was architecture and landscape. She started telling us a few about Iași. A city with tons of historical buildings and churches filled with frescoes. Each of these churches are painted inside with images representing different Bible passages.

Carmina tells us that, as in our University, students are not allowed to work with Computer Assisted Design (CAD) programs during the first years of the degree. Projects are done by hand and with a little help of computer programs such as Photoshop to improve the presentation. For Carmina “is important that students learn and know how to express by hand”.

On the TUIAȘI, more complex projects are done as the degree advances. Students from fifth course work on the reshaping of the city landscape, as “landscape architecture is always changing” as Carmina explains us.

During the following days of the iWeek, teachers from Berlin, and Houston, among others will be visiting us.

“Sense of space and scale are important for an architect, and computers don’t help us” – Carmina Gheorghita


Francisco Jarrín – Architecture student



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