Our already graduated colleague Marta García Casabán has been awarded one of the ARQUIA scholarships!! Here she responds to a brief interview where she explains how is her experience at the Nieto and Sobejano offices in Berlin. An interview with very motivating conclusions that helps the rest of architecture students to continue working hard.
“Hard work always has its reward. Take every opportunity that is given to you and trust yourself.”
What did you feel when you noticed that you were awarded with an scholarship in such a renowned studio?
Happiness. After so much effort being put in the degree, I think this is one of the best awards you can receive when you end. The opportunity of working in a big office and to proof anything you’ve learned.
How has the change from study-life to work-life been?
I’ve had the opportunity during my studies to take part in internships, on different occasions, so my contact with the world of work was a few years ago. But, now it’s the first time where I’ve dedicated myself fully on it. With a full working day where you truly value the effort that has to been done every day.
How has it been to adapt yourself to a new city?
Berlin is a wonderful city, generous and full of life. It is a very easy-going city and it is always in constant movement. When I arrived, I read in my guide a quote by Jacques Lang: “Paris will always be Paris, but Berlin is never Berlin”. And it is true, it is a city that does not stop growing, it is full of energy. It is vibrant.
How has the reception of your co-workers been?
It has been very good. In the office, we are approximately 65 employees, of many nationalities, which I think implies an enrichment of our work, since each one contributes their own vision of the world. It is very interesting to see how several cultures intersect working on the same project.
“If you really take the opportunity, you can GRADUATE being a great professional.”
Do you think there is much difference in the training of architects in Spain and abroad?
I think we came out very well trained as architects, especially in Construction and Projects. Once we finish the degree, I believe that we have the necessary tools for facing a successful work life. We have a very balanced training in all fields of Architecture.
What are your functions within the study?
I am working on the constructive development of a Hotel project in Munich. I work mainly developing constructive details and in the section of facilities design. When I arrived at the Studio, the project was already in the development phase.
How long do you intend to stay in the studio?
The scholarship lasts for 6 months.
Would you recommend this experience, before or after graduating?
From my point of view, to enjoy this experience one should expect to be in the last year or even have finished. That is when your training is more complete and you can be more competent, useful and effective in the study.
What are your expectations for the future?
Currently, I still do not know. I would like to continue training, coursing the Doctorate, but combined with my professional development at the same time.
What has been the most valuable of your learning in the CEU that has served you in this new stage?
I have been very fortunate to have such good teachers during my degree. In the School, the treatment is very individualized, therefore, it is you who sets the limits of what you want to learn. If you demand a high performance and learning, they help you to achieve it. If you really take the opportunity you can leave being a great professional.
Give us some information for those students who may have an experience like yours in the near future, something you would have liked to know before starting it.
Hard work always has its reward. Take every opportunity that is given to you and trust yourself.