Veterinary Sciences
The CEU Cardenal Herrera is a University that prepares students to become a professional. It is a prestigious University, with over 40 years of experience. Our numerous academic degree courses on offer are vast and continuously growing in response to the needs of our society and demand for our future professionals. The training of veterinarians students at our University has four main strengths: the quality and excellence, practical work associated with finding employment, personal attention given to students and the internalization of studies. The internationalization of the Universities plays an important role such as the intellectual development of university students, enhancing open-minded specialists who are able to work within the globalized world around them. For this reason, the University contributions to society are searching for truth through promoting advanced education and research in an international context.
As globalization progresses, stresses the importance of the flow of researchers and professors from different Universities, thereby enriching the potential of these University society and benefiting from the latest advances in research of neighboring countries. In this context, the University CEU Cardenal Herrera presents the I International Veterinary Week 2013, in which teachers and researchers from different countries are invited to showcase their latest advances in Veterinary clinical pathology, animal production and food hygiene and technology.
The objectives of this encounter are:
- To share teaching strategies and methodological disciplines around practical or theoretical disciplines linked to the studies of Veterinary Sciences.
- To discover different specific realities of the European context in our disciplines, emphasizing those approaches more specifically linked to latest advances in Veterinary clinical pathology, animal production and food hygiene and technology. The overlapping of realities should reflect both the wide range of existing and potential synergies and also the contact points between the parties.
- To stimulate dialogue on successful information diffusion and cooperation between the different players in animal health standards, Human Health and consumer wellbeing.
- Lectures.
- Thematic workshops and special classes.
- Exhibition of results and discussions in public sessions.
- Site visits to Valencia for foreign teachers.
The results of the exchange will be compiled in an educational digital publication including the articles, classes and other material produced for or during the International Week.
The program is open to all the scholars interested in the subject coming from any European Institution, and will be based in the ERASMUS Staff Mobility grants.
- All candidates must submit their proposals for participation to the contact address listed below until January 30th, including the following information:
A. Personal data:
- Full Name
- Department
- Area
- Position
- Contact details (e-mail address and phone number)
- Spoken language(s)
B. Home University
- Official Name
- Address
- Name & contact details of Erasmus Coordinator
C. Topic of the lecture
Brief proposal for the lectures /participation, based on 5 to10 teaching hours (200 words max.).
- The selected applicants will be notified by email before February 10th and sent and invitation letter to enable them to apply for the ERASMUS teacher Mobility grant at their institution. Preference is given to candidates from institutions with existing exchange agreement or institutions interested in achieving it.
- All the administrative documentation of the academic exchange must be completed before February 25th to make possible the participation.
- Spoken language: English.
Veterinary Faculty CEU
Clara Marín Orenga
Coordinator of International Relations
[email protected]
Tirant lo Blanc, 746115
Alfara del Patriarca- Valencia – Spain
Tel.+34 – 96 136 90 00
Me parece una propuesta sumamente intersante no solo para los profesionales de la veterinaria sino también para los de ciencias de la salud que apreciamos vuestro magistral trabajo. Cuenta con mi apoyo y difusión. Un fuerte abrazo y mucho á nimo en vuestra semana internacional veterinaria!
Muchísimas gracias José Ángel. Un abrazo