Fallas and architecture, a very interesting blend

On March 14, architecture students of our Technical School (ESET) visited some of the most important Fallas in Valencia. During our excursion we visited some historic buildings of the city center.

Dome detail in Colomina Palace
Dome detail in Colomina Palace

We started at 9h15 visiting the Colomina Palace of University CEU Cardenal Herrera. We visited the principal spaces of this old palace placed behind the Cathedral. Then we visited the Almudín and Baños del Almirante, and finally the church of San Juan del Hospital, where we visited the patios and one of the first churches of Valencia.

Inside view of San Juan del Hospital
Inside view of San Juan del Hospital

After lunch we visited different fallas around the city. We visited the fallas of Sueca-Literato Azorín, Cuba-Puerto Rico, and Cuba-Literato Azorín in Russafa. We also visited the fallas of Convento Jerusalén and the falla municipal at Plaça de l’Ajuntament.

In Russafa we watched how the artists were giving the final details for their fallas to look perfect. We also had the chance of buying petardos to be part of the fiesta fallera.

Falla of Sueca and Literato Azorín in Russafa
Falla of Sueca and Literato Azorín in Russafa

In Russafa we walked on many streets, we also visited the Mercat de Russafa, and the studio of our teacher Ana Ábalos. At the end of our walk we finished at Horchatería Santa Catalina, next to Plaza de la Reina, where we had churros with chocolate.

Estudiantes de arquitectura junto a Ana Ábalos en su estudio
Estudiantes de arquitectura junto a Ana Ábalos en su estudio


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