Students ask José Manuel Carbonell Gaspar, a student at CEU Cardenal Herrera University

We are students of architecture and we asked our classmate José Manuel Carbonell Gaspar some questions that we know all students have asked themselves at some point or will do in the future.

  1. We know that you have developed professional practices this course, how have they been?

They went very well. I studied them with whom was my fifth-year teacher at that time,  Guillermo Mocholi . So, there were several factors that made these practices very enriching. The trust, the work, and the team that I was part of gave me, in addition to experience in our profession, friends who have stayed with me forever.

  1. What do you think of the professional practices for the development of an architecture student?

Essential. I think with that word I summarize everything. Although I know that it is difficult to combine work and academic life, I consider them highly recommended for an architecture student.

  1. In your case, why did you decide to do them?

In my case it was an easy decision. Guillermo offered them to me throughout the academic year. Naturally, it was an opportunity that I wouldn’t let go.

  1. Do you think it has enriched you? Why?

As I said, yes. And on many levels. In addition, in my case, being also a technical architect and having had work experience prior to my architectural studies, I understood them as the beginning of something that had to complete a circle. My first work experiences were as head of construction work, so being part of the study and understanding how everything worked “on the other side”, as you say, was enriching.

  1. Do they help you better understand the professional reality and thus choose your path as a future architect?

Of course. Because of the little experience I have, I think that a period of internship helps you, among other things, to understand with what part of the extensive knowledge of Architecture you can feel more comfortable and in what part maybe not so much. So maybe yes. Maybe you start to guess what your place should be in a future professional reality. Although I have always believed that we should never close any door!

  1. Do you think that the concepts acquired in the  degree apply?

Without a doubt. All of them do, to a greater or lesser extent. I am convinced that all of them bring us something that helps us to “understand”, since the Architecture Degree will directly or indirectly prepare us for this process.

  1. How has the process to get the practices?

Very easy. In the University they managed all the documentation.

  1. Do you think that the practices will serve you for the future?

Yes. They are part of each person’s personal growth and I do not think there is a better way to learn, than to do it by working.


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