Friday October the 2nd the Students of Medicine went to a Course in the Arts Museum of Valencia where they hear 2 conferences of the course about Audition and how to prevent hearing loss.
Dr. Genovés, one of the teachers of Anatomy in la Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU, gave the first speech remembering the structures that form the hearing and the equilibrium systems.

Other speakers were Dr. Teresa Olivar from our University, Dr. Isabel Varela-Nieto, researcher of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, one of the most relevants experts in embriology of hearing and the effect of mutations of IGF-1 gen in the deafness; Dr. Jordi Llorens a well-known researcher in the side effects of toxics and noise in hearing and equillibrium; Dr. Juiz, Director of the Instituto de Investigación de Discapacidades Neurológicas; Dr. Ibáñez and Dr. Alicia Huarte, both experts in the screaning of hypoacusis and hearing loss in children.
In Spain each year 200 children with deep hypoacusis are born and one third of the population older than 65 years has real hearing impairment.
The course was held in tribute to Dr. Francisco Murcia, one of the pioneers in fine surgery of the ear, founder of the Grupo Nisa and President of the Fundación Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados between 2002 and 2009.