Two new events addressing the role of women both in healthcare and in clinical research are remotely taking place as an initiative within the Colaborative Online International Learning Project (COIL) entitled Women's Empowerment in Science and Healthcare. This project,...
Xenotransplantation, a term denoting the transfer of non-human cells, tissues, or organs into humans for medical purposes, has emerged as a potential solution to the persistent shortage of organs available for transplantation. In the United States alone, an alarming...
Recently, investigators from Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU publised the final editorial from an Special Issue called “Exploring the Link between Cardiorenal and Metabolic Diseases” Regarding this issue, we want to highlight some important aspects of these complex interactions.The close...
Engaging in regular physical activity is known for its positive impact on overall health. However, did you know that participating in sports can also have significant benefits for your memory and cognitive function? Here, we will explore how regular...
When it comes to promoting overall health and well-being, few diet plans nowadays are rivals to the Mediterranean diet. Inspired by the traditional eating habits of countries in the Mediterranean Sea, this diet offers a delicious and nutritious way...
Vaccination has played a significant role in safeguarding public health and preventing the spread of numerous infectious diseases. However, the recent resurgence of diseases from the past highlights the grave consequences that arise from a lack of vaccination.Several factors...
Estudia Medicina en el CEU