The “Jornadas veterinarias” has been a success!








Last week-end, from 2nd to 4th of March, “The Veterinary Days” have taken place in our university for 3 days. Lectures were taught by veterinarian experts in exotic clinics, zoo, wildlife and marine mammals such as Andres Montesinos, who works for the Bioparc, and many more. Around 50 students of all UCH CEU grades had the opportunity to attend it.

It was an initiative of the students´ club of “Medicina Zoológica” (zoologic Medicine) created by students from the Veterinary Faculty of CEU. As being part of the club activity program for the academic year, the cost for participants was only 5 euros for the three days.


On Friday, Albert Martinez and Andrés Montésima started with their lectures and talked about medicine and conservation of reptiles, endoscopy and avian medicine.



On Saturday, we had the pleasure to receive the veterinarians Rafael Molina, who works in the “Centre de Fauna Torreferrussa”, and Cati Gerique, who works in the Bioparc. Cati Gerique explained to us how anesthesia and contraception works in the zoo. We learned so many interesting things such as the different drugs used to anesthetize the elephants or the different contraception used over the animals in the Bioparc.

Last day, Vicente Marco talked about medicine and conservation of marine animals. He is a Veterinarian graduated from the University Cardenal Herrera CEU who now is working in the Oceanographic located in the Valencia City of Arts and Sciences.

For the most passionate, there was what we call “Mesa Redonda” at the end of the lectures. It consists in an academic debate where participants discuss a specific topic. This time, it was about the welfare of animals in a zoological park and about the intensive fishing in the oceans nowadays.

Thank you so much to all veterinarians who came to the CEU and taught us all the interesting things that we learned as well as the students who participated in those fabulous conferences!

To conclude, we would like to encourage students to share your passions with the rest of mates via the students´ clubs organized throught Campus Life office. You can learn about what you love, but not doing it alone!


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