CEU theatre performs for the solidarity missions of Malawi, Senegal and the Philippines with the comedy “Utopia”.


Last week, the CEU Theatre performed a comedy show called “Utopia”, a charity event dedicated to the university’s Chair of Solidarity.

“Utopia” is about the life of a recently graduated journalist who faces a very different reality than what she learned at University. In the show, the main character is faced by a moral dilemma where she has to focus on gaining more audience at the expense of poor journalism. The protagonist bravely challenges this predicament and finally obtains her dream job where she takes her ethical journalism to the television screens.

The show highlights the message that you should not give up on your dreams and live up to your ethical values. It reinforces the values of the importance of good will, which is the core value of the CEU Chair of Solidarity group.

Medipinas, Vets for Africa and Smiles in Senegal

On this occasion the CEU Solidarity Group were Medipinas, Vets for Africa and Sharing Smiles in Senegal, where medical, veterinary and dentistry students had the opportunity to help the underprivileged.

From Campus Life and the Chair of Solidarity we want to help you help others, so if you have any solidarity projects in mind, you simply have to contact us and we will work on it together.


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