LinkedIn and selection process 2.0 for UCH CEU alumni


Former students of CEU Cardenal Herrera University met on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th of October to learn more about LinkedIn, a webpage used to help in the hard task of job search.

The meeting took place in the Faculty of Dentistry and was given by Yolanda Corral. CEU Cardenal Herrera offers refresher courses and job search assistance for its students, so learning never stops at this university.

LinkedIn and 2.0 selection processes for Alumni from CEU Cardenal Hererra University

Alumni of CEU Cardenal Herrera University attended a conference on the social network LinkedIn and on the processes of selection 2.0. A training opportunity in the most current tools in job search.

Online content specialist Yolanda Corral demonstrated how to utilise LinkedIn effectively and at its full potential. During the session the alumni learnt about all the advantages offered by the platform; the design, configuration and visibility of the profile, as well as the creation of a good network of contacts.

Furthermore, the director of Human Resources in Arco, Pedro Saiz, thoroughly analysed the selection processes most commonly used in Spain. During the session he discussed; the main job portals, the importance of structuring the resumé adequately and the value of personalising the application in the face of the selection process.

These contents are included within the CEU Accede Alumni program. A commitment of CEU Cardenal Herrera University to improve the employability of its graduates.


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