Preparing for the Fulbright Schuman in New York

Susana Sanz goes to NATO headquarters in Brussels to participate in the reception organized by the U.S. Embassy to NATO for U.S. and European Fulbright Schuman Scholarship recipients.

The Fulbright Schuman Program, which is administered by the Fulbright Commission in Belgium and jointly funded by the U.S. Department of State and the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG.EAC) of the European Commission, awards grants to scholars, post-doctoral researchers and international educators from any of the 27 EU Member States to conduct research or lecture on a topic that is relevant to U.S.-EU relations, EU affairs/policy, EU institutions, or any other research topic that has a strong EU component and contributes to exploring the dynamics of economic, political and social relations between the two continents. EU relations, EU affairs/policy, EU institutions or any other research topic that has a strong EU component and contributes to exploring the dynamics of economic, political and social relations between the two continents.

Susana Sanz Caballero, Professor of International Public Law at the UCH-CEU, has been awarded one of these prestigious grants that are only awarded to about twenty European researchers for a stay at The City University of New York (CUNY) and thus advance the research project she directs on the Crisis of the Rule of Law in the EU, delving into the comparative situation in the U.S.

In this regard, on June 11, Susana Sanz attended the appointment of the U.S. Embassy, which organized a reception at NATO headquarters in Brussels for all recipients of this prestigious scholarship, from the U.S. and Europe.

In the framework of this event, the U.S. NATO delegation invited the 30 participating Fulbrighters to a tour of NATO facilities, which was followed by a networking meeting with U.S. officials stationed at NATO. At this meeting, the fulbrighters received information about the current activities and challenges of this security organization as well as about job opportunities within NATO. In addition, past or current Fulbright grantees had the opportunity, in a relaxed atmosphere, to ask questions and discuss specific aspects of NATO’s work agenda, such as hybrid threats, the recent enlargement of the organization to include Finland and Sweden, or the risks of the invasion of Ukraine and the war in Gaza.

Susana Sanz with the rest of the Fulbright Schuman grantees at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

The event ended with a Meet&Eat where members of the Fulbright Commission, U.S. officials stationed at NATO and participating Fulbrighters had the opportunity to chat in a relaxed atmosphere.

Finally, Susana Sanz complemented her participation in this forum organized by the Fulbright Commission with a visit to the Fulbright office in Brussels, where she was able to prepare in a more personal way her future visit to New York in 2025 and her stay at CUNY with her Fulbright project officer, Finn Willems.

Susana Sanz with her Fulbright Project Officer for Fulbright Foreign Programs, Finn Willems.
Exterior views of NATO headquarters in Brussels. Image credits belong to the NATO website:

Click on the following link to access the interview conducted at the UCH-CEU headquarters in which Susana Sanz shares her impressions and expectations of her future stay at CUNY, as a result of the Fulbright Schuman Scholarship.


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