
Susana Sanz Caballero

Professor of Public International Law at CEU Cardenal Herrera University and ad hoc judge of European Court of Human Rights. 

She holds a diploma as an expert in human rights protection from the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg). She has obtained two Jean Monnet Chairs from the European Commission (in 2004 and 2017).

In 2012, Angel Herrera Research Award. In 2013, 2nd prize of the Spanish Conference of Rectors for research in development cooperation and 2nd prize of the Academy of Human Rights of the American University (Washington).

Author of 2 scientific books, 130 publications in international and national journals and book chapters, and coordinator of 8 collective books.

Antonio Bar Cendón

Professor of Constitutional Law and Jean Monnet Professor ‘ad personam’ of European Union Law and Politics. He is Professor Emeritus at the Law School of the University of Valencia. He has 6 six-year research periods.

He has been researcher and visiting professor at prestigious academic centers, such as Harvard University, US; University of Cambridge, UK; Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; or The Hebrew University, Israel. As a consultant, he has worked on numerous projects for the Government of Spain, the EU and the Council of Europe. He is currently member of the Valencian Bar Association and member of the European Commission’s Team Europe.

Author of 11 books and more than 100 papers published in books and academic journals, in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Catalan. 42 of these works were published within the span of the 10 years marked by the call. 

Marta Pérez Gabaldón

Assistant Professor in the degrees of Political Science and Law. PhD in Political Science and Academic Secretary of CEU Cardenal Herrera University. She has a six-year research period and 2 five-year teaching periods.

She has received important awards such as the Prize of Les Corts Valencianes to the best research work presented in 2010 in the Valencian Universities and has participated in multidisciplinary research projects at both national and regional level.

Author of many publications, including 2 books, 14 book chapters and 14 articles in scientific journals.


Joaquín José Marco Marco

Lawyer of Les Corts Valencianes. Law and Political Science graduate at University of Valencia. PhD in Law. Associate Professor at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. Accredited as Full Professor by ANECA. He has 2 six-year research periods recognized by the CNEAI.

He has participated in multidisciplinary research projects at both national and regional level.

Author of many publications, including several monographs published by the Congress of Deputies, the Senate of Spain and Les Corts Valencianes, as well as some thirty articles in scientific journals, also highlighting the impartation of lectures, courses and seminars.


Leopoldo García Ruiz

Senior Lecturer of Philosophy of Law at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. PhD in Law from the University of Navarra. He has a six-year research period recognized by the CNEAI.

He has been visiting professor at the University of Piura (Peru), as well as visiting researcher at Harvard University (USA) and at Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico). He has participated in several research projects funded by public and private entities.

Author of many publications, including the monograph Derecho, intereses y civilización (Comares, 2002), and the co-edition of the collective volume La crisis de la opinión pública liberal: 1915-1930 (Tirant lo Blanch, 2021). He is a translator into Spanish of works of legal and social philosophy in English.

Rosa García Vilardell

Professor of State Ecclesiastical Law and Canon Law at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. PhD in Law from the University of Alicante. She has 2 six-year research periods and more than 20 years of teaching experience.

She is an auditor (examining magistrate) in matrimonial cases in the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the Diocese of Orihuela Alicante and has participated in research projects at both national and regional level.

Author of many publications, including 3 books, 18 book chapters and 5 articles in scientific journals.


Ainhoa Uribe Otalora

Professor of Political Science and Vice-Rector of Internationalization at CEU San Pablo University. PhD in Political Science from CEU Cardenal Herrera University and in Law from Complutense University. She has 2 six-year research periods and 2 five-year teaching periods.

She holds an Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Aid from the University of Deusto; and a Master’s Degree in Agents of Equal Opportunities for Men and Women from CEU Cardenal Herrera University. She has been awarded the Prize of Les Corts Valencianes to the best research work for her doctoral thesis in Political Science. She has done research stays at Oxford University and Georgetown University. She has participated in multidisciplinary research projects at both national and regional level.

Author of many publications, including 7 books, 32 book chapters, 5 articles in scientific journals, and editor of 5 books.

Nuria Hernández García

Collaborating Professor PhD in Political Sciences at CEU Cardenal Herrera University.

During her PhD studies – cum laude – she completed two research stays at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society at the University of Oxford.

Political Science and Journalism graduate, she has experience working in NGOs – Save the Children – think tanks – IECAH – and international organizations – Permanent Observer Mission of Spain to the Organization of American States. In addition, she participates in research projects at both national and regional level.

Author of several publications in scientific journals. She has taken part in national and international congresses in recent years.

Manuel Martínez Sospedra

Professor of Constitutional Law at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. Director of the working group that drafted the preliminary draft of the Statute of Autonomy known as Estatuto de Morella (1979) and author of one of the first manuals on the current Constitution, Introducción al Derecho Constitucional Español. La Constitución de 1978 (1980).

In 1988 he was elected senator for the Valencian Community, integrated in the CDS group of the Upper House, being spokesman in the Constitutional, Autonomy and Defense committees.

Author of many publications, including 22 books, 56 book chapters and 76 articles.


Clara Portela

.Professor of Political Sciences at the University of Valencia. Advisor to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the criminalization of sanctions violations (SOC 739 procedure). Her work has been awarded with the THESEUS Award for Promising Research on European Integration. 

She is a Freie Universität Berlin Graduate and PhD from the European University Institute of Florence. She has been researcher at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and Professor of Political Science at Singapore Management University. She has also been Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, the OSCE Academy, Hitotsubashi University and SciencesPo Lyon. She has worked as a consultant for the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

Dario Čepo 

Associated Professor in the Department of Sociology (Faculty of Law) at University of Zagreb. PhD in Comparative Politics from the same university. 

He has been Press Office Assistant at the Hellenic Republic Embassy, an expert associate at Miroslav Krleža Lexicographic Institute and a Fullbright Fellow at Harriman Institute, Columbia University. Moreover, he has been member of the Coordination for Human Rights (City of Zagreb). He is currently member of the Croatian Political Science Association and of the European Consortium for Political Research. 

Author of many publications, including one book, 10 book chapters, 6 articles in scientific journals, 3 policy briefs and reports, and has taken part in 11 workshops.

Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz

Senior research fellow at the Center for Social Sciences and Associate Professor at ELTE Law School, Budapest.

She has worked as a Civil Servant at the Hungarian Constitutional Court in different positions between 2003 and 2014. She is currently the Director of the Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Sciences, Centre of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.  Her main research projects include works on constitutional adjudication in Europe and especially in Hungary.

Author of many publications in Hungarian and English languages, including 2 monographs and 11 edited volumes.

Roberto Cippitani

Professor of Private Law and Jean Monnet Chairholder at the University of Perugia. Professor at INDEPAC Instituto Nacional de Estudios Superiores en Derecho Penal (México) and at Escuela Judicial del Poder del Estado de Oaxaca (México).

Lecturer of Biolaw, Data Law in Science and Forensics, Private Law of European Union Law, Health Law. Associated Researcher at CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – IFAC) and visiting professor in several universities in Europe, Latin America, China. He is a responsible and staff member of projects funded by the European Union and an ethics advisor in research projects.

He is the main author of more than 160 publications concerning EU private law and legal and ethical issues of science and technology.

Valentina Colcelli

PhD Researcher at Italian National Research Council (CNR). Visiting External examiner at the University of Malta.

She is co-chair of the Working Group “Regulatory, Ethics, and GDPR” for the Scientific Association “European, Middle East &African for Biopreservation and Biobanking” (ESBB) and a member of the ESBB Council. Her main research interests focus on personal and non-personal data beyond the EU legal system, internal market regulation, Technology Transfer, legal and ethical issues in research and innovation activities, and adequate judicial protection of biodiversity in light of fundamental rights. She is also member of several projects funded by the EU and long-lasting international research cooperation, like the H2020. 

Author of books concerning EU integration and more than 80 papers.


Barbara Grabowska-Moroz 

Postdoctoral research fellow at the Central European University Democracy Institute in Budapest, Hungary. PhD in Law from Warsaw University. Postdoc from Wrocław University in the Women as subjects of constitutional rights in Central and Eastern Europe project. 

She has worked as a lawyer at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and has been the coordinator of several programmes and projects at Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Moreover, she has received an honorary badge of the Minister of Economy for merits in the development of the Polish economy in the field better legal regulation. She is currently member of the Secret Services in Poland.

Author of many publications, including up to 31 articles, papers, chapters, and books.

David Ramiro Troitiño

Jean Monnet Chair on digital development of the European Union, Associate Professor in Tallinn University of Technology and European Union expert in Turku University. PhD on European Union studies in the University of Salamanca.

Supervisor of the winning essay in EU Global Strategy competition on Why is the European Union’s foreign and security policy important for your daily life? His research focus on European Union from a wide perspective to understand it as a process in a long term. He has participated in 6 European Union funded projects (main investigator) and in other 8 internationally funded project (research staff).

In that sense, he is author of 163 publications, including 6 monographs, several chapters in books and more than 70 scientific articles.