Nuestros Alumnos

First-year medical student Samuel Carey explains us his thoughts and views about the impressive portrait of Charles V at the “Museo Nacional del Prado”.Following our recent visit to the Museo del Prado in Madrid, I have decided to select:...
First-year medical student Carlota Rojo Valdemoro; explains us her experience at the "Museo Nacional del Prado", during a guided visit with the CEU University.Personally, I was shocked when we were told that we were going to visit El Museo...
Los alumnos erasmus ("outgoing") de 4º de Medicina de Castellón: Javier Machuca y Paula Martí, nos cuentan como es estudiar Medicina en la Universidad de Vilnius (Lituania).A primeros de Septiembre (igual que en el CEU) comenzó el nuevo curso...