Last April a workshop was carried out by Basic Life Support aimed at three schools in the city of Castellón: Consolación de Villareal, Onda and Nules. More than 80 pupils of 4th year of secondary school interested in the Area of Health, participated in our workshops in University CEU Cardenal Herrera.
The workshop of BLS directed by Dr. Carmona was threefold: one being training on the subject of Basic Life Support to non-medics ─ in favour of saving the life of one person in vital danger─ another being opening up University CEU Cardenal Herrera, its facilities, its degrees, the activities that we carry out during the academic year, and the people that form part of the team, professors and PAS. The third factor is putting into practice the activity of Entrepreneurship that ─ as a tutor of Entrepreneurship of Nursing ─ is being carried out this year. The Undergraduate and Postgraduate students train non-medic staff on the subject of Basic Life Support. In this case the Postgraduate student Alba Llinares who is doing her work for a Master degree ─Master in Nursing in the Module of Urgencies, Emergencies and Catastrophes─ on the valuation and analysis of training children and teenagers on the subject of First Aid, participated in this workshop as a trainer.
The Nursing professionals mainly carry out very important care work (1), as much on the first care level (Health Centres and Specialities) as on the second care level (Hospital Centres and Residences), but we must not forget the management work (2) (directors, supervisors, etc.) nor the teacher (3).
Teaching and qualifying our students in the field of teaching is also a part of their University training and of course, making them feel, in spite of their youth, to train other professionals from the sanitary field and non-medic staff in theoretical knowledge and skills, above all in the fields where nowadays people lack knowledge.
CEU Emprende works on the entrepreneurial attitude of the students:
How can I create my company once I finish my degree?
What can I offer to society, how do I serve it and enjoy my job?
It is necessary to be creative, innovating together with new technologies, acquiring skills that will be necessary in the entrepreneur project, and of course, putting the project into action.
The nurses can create companies for healthcare at home, with a list of services, previous association (taking constants, blood sugar levels, treatments, injections, nurse care, palliative care for chronic patients, as much in their home as in health centres).
“Society requires this care, more and more, as the population of seniors grows”.
We can also carry out training through companies already established or create ours for the same function: being a Vital Support instructor qualifies and gives a right to train different collectives in urgencies. Training in school in different aspects of Health must be a responsibility for Nurses.
We are moving forward.