A healthcare professional is a qualified individual who sets aside their own personal problems to carry out a variety of responsibilities and duties for the greater good. They are entrusted to maintain composure and efficiency while helping every and...
Like many other health care professions, nursing offers a wide range of areas to specialize in and practice exclusively. Many specializations require a you to pass a series of exams or fulfill certain job qualifications. However, a lot of...
Like any profession, being a nurse has many benefits as well as a few consequences. It's a job that requires your utmost attention, energy, and empathy. Not only will you alleviate pain and bring comfort to your patients, but...
It's hard to miss the backpack Gavin, a first-year student of our Spanish Pathway to Nursing Studies, carries around our campus. It is so heavy that one can't say if he is about to leave for a trip around the...
The key: its qualifications enjoy European recognitionThe Bologna Process has ensured that university degrees issued by a country within the European Higher Education Area are recognized by all the other members. This means that those studying for degrees in...
From Real Estate to Nursing at CEU UCH... that's quite a career change! We sat down with Martine, a first year Nursing student from Norway, to have a chat about making that change, life at CEU UCH and how...