Every year hundreds of Spanish nurses are employed in the United Kingdom, a country that faces a shortage of these health professionals.
Student nurses at University CEU Cardenal Herrera can benefit from the agreements signed by our institution and several British hospitals to help them find a job abroad once they end their studies. This is the case of Royal Stoke University Hospital and King’s College London, two of the hospitals where patients are most likely to be treated by CEU nurses!
Starting next year, students of our Nursing degree will have the opportunity to do traineeships at the Royal Stoke University Hospital, a teaching and research hospital located in Staffordshire and linked to Keele University. Boosting their career prospects, at the end of these traineeships our students are very likely to be offered a job in that hospital.
As for King’s College Hospital, one of the biggest hospital complexes in the UK managing five university hospitals in London, more than 60 CEU nurses have already found a job there. In this sense, CEU students have benefited from the agreement signed in 2014, which includes work-placement opportunities for students in the last years of the degree.