And then a sudden twist. Unexpected changes, which are sure to be good. And so thinks Nacho. The truth is that he has embraced this sudden change in the most admirable way. Our 3rd-year student of Nursing, Nacho Hernández, had planned to go on a Erasmus+ to Finland together with another classmate. Paperwork and arrangements already made, the plan was cut short for reasons unrelated to them and our University, but he was still determined: he wanted to experience Erasmus+! So he started searching…and he finally found his way.

The new destination is Porto. “Less cold and more light!” He told me weeks ago when he was dealing with paperwork for his new destination. Yesterday I talked to him again, and the truth is that he transmits joy, it made me want to go with him!
And then a sudden twist. Unexpected changes, which are sure to be good. And so thinks Nacho. The truth is that he has embraced this sudden change in the most admirable way. Our 3rd-year student of Nursing, Nacho Hernández, had planned to go on a Erasmus+ to Finland together with another classmate. Paperwork and arrangements already made, the plan was cut short for reasons unrelated to them and our University, but he was still determined: he wanted to experience Erasmus+! So he started searching…and he finally found his way.
The new destination is Porto. “Less cold and more light!” He told me weeks ago when he was dealing with paperwork for his new destination. Yesterday I talked to him again, and the truth is that he transmits joy, it made me want to go with him!
There he will be, from January 31 to June 31: 5 months to take advantage of a new experience, know, learn and study. During those months he will take the subjects of Public Health, Patient Care related to patients with mental health disorders, Bioethics and Introduction to Research. In addition, he will go on training in the operating room: his goal.
I ask him about it, and he tells me that it is the area where he would like to work in the future, and that in fact he already has in mind to continue studying a Postgraduate Master’s Degree. The practices will be carried out at the São João Hospital, known as a reference center in Portugal.
So…countdown has already started! In 11 days he will be leaving for Porto, and meanwhile…time will go flying because he just started the exam period of the first semester, and between visits to the library and doing exams, he will soon realize it is time to leave!
Good luck with this experience! Learn a lot, enjoy a lot, and tell us everything about it!