CEU-UCH helps you in your first steps into the world of work


CEU-UCH´s Preaccede and Accede Programmes help students to improve their career prospects from their first academic year


The Information, Internships and Employment Department has organised the session “Your first steps into the world of work”. Sonia Cabañas, head of the Employment Unit at CEU-UCH, gave this session, of the Preaccede Programme, on the 17th December, on work socialisation for students in third year of Dentistry.

The topics in this session were:

  • Observing work rules
  • Preparing CVs
  • Being aware of the importance of online reputations.

The ultimate goal is that students are better prepared for when they do work experience in clinics, hospitals and businesses, both voluntarily and mandatorily. The goal is also that they use this opportunity not only to complete their academic training, but to work on their employability and to begin forming their professional image.

These skills are completed in the final year of the degree through Accede Programme sessions. In these sessions students are informed about job opportunities in the international arena, the use of social networking and computer applications to search for jobs, and how to improve important skills such as teamwork, communication skills, time management and positive thinking.


From the first year

The PreAccede Programme, organised by the Vicerector of Students and University Extension, also aims to improve, from the first year of the degree, training for the students´ transferable skills in order to develop mature and focused work habits for their future job performance. Therefore, this programme also included sessions on research methodology for students in first and second year of degrees in Médecine Vétérinaire in French and Dentistry in English. These sessions are taught by Vanesa Muñoz of the University Counselling Service of CEU-UCH.

These transversal skills will allow students to increase their employability and guide them towards business ventures. The Study Methodology session has included topics such as these:

  • Thinking about how we learn: Planning and organisation of time.
  • Revising the most used strategies in our study: techniques for study and acquiring knowledge.
  • Being able to face any type of exam: how to have a good attitude.




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