5 things you can do to prepare before starting lectures


This year, many things have changed. So, we have prepared some resources for you to make sure you have as much information as possible before the academic year begins.

Now, you can:

1. Check out all the Settling into University content and resources.

On our online platform Blackboard, you will find everything you need to get to know the University. Check out this video tutorial so that you know how to access all the resources we’ve created and challenges we’ve set for you.

2. Try doing things in this order:

    1. Listen to our welcome podcast.
    2. The Rector also wants to welcome you. Watch the video.
    3. Get some tips from the University Guidance Service in the video Your first steps at the University.
    4. Want to know how we’ve created a bullying-free campus? Learn all about it here.

And from 7th to 11th September you can:

3. Take part in daily challenges posted on Blackboard.

4. Participate in webinars and learn from the experience of professionals who are also graduates of the University.

5. Get advice and tips from more experienced students.

Remember that we’ll be adding to and updating all this content over the course of the year. So, don’t forget to check back into the Settling into University section of Blackboard every so often to keep up to date.


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