French Gastronomy Week

The “Semaine du Goût” is a celebration about French taste and gastronomy organised every year in our neighbouring country, although more and more countries are joining this event. This academic year 2018-2019, given the large number of French students who study at our centre, the CEU UCH has decided to share this tradition in its classrooms, inviting students and teachers to participate in the event between the 16th and the 18th of October at the HUB 101.

The initiative, promoted by the University’s Languages Service, is based on three basic principles: eating well, sharing traditions and discovering the flavours of France and Spain. In addition, activities have been prepared so that attendees can practice languages and learn culinary vocabulary in French and Spanish.

Since last Tuesday, participants have been asked to prepare a typical French dish, such as Gâteau marbré au chocolat, Quiche Lorraine or Gratin Dauphinois. The highlight came on Wednesday, with a tasting of crêpes. Several teachers and students brought different home-made versions of the famous pancake, which the guests then finished by adding all kinds of sweet and salty ingredients: strawberries, banana, chocolate, ham, cheese, honey, and so on.

The call was very successful and almost out of stock. This is great news because, in addition to enjoying and being able to share these delicious dishes, the money raised will go to the Vets for Africa Solidarity Project, coordinated by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Languages Service.


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