These are the voices of the World Ambassador Student Board – WASB


Few days ago, a meeting of the student council – WASB have taken place in our university.

This council is composed of CEU students from different countries and tries to reflect the special needs and interests of each nationality represented.

WASB members who attended the first meeting with the Rector, vice-Rector of students and campus life, vice-Rector of internationalization and the general deleguee.

The student members of the council are volunteers who carry out important and necessary work in an international university such as UCH CEU that hosts now more than 70 different countries.

Before starting their work session, we stole few minutes from their time to ask them about what would they like to contribute to the World Ambassador Student Board (WASB). These are the answers of some of the WASB members :

Sophie Claire Baldwin:

As student ambassador, I would like to help create a strong community spirit between all international and Spanish students. I would like to be able to ensure that every student can be involved in a range of activities, and in doing so build a relationship with people from other courses, cultures and year groups. For this to work I think it is important to hear ideas from the students themselves.

Liu Rosier:

Liu Rosier

“Firstly I want the french students to feel fully integrated into the country and the other international and spanish students. Then, I want to hear their ideas, needs, requests, wishes and give them the possibility to put it into action. I want them to believe that the University is here for and with them, listening and helping, and that everything is possible together!”


Since I have studied here for four years, I have experienced that Taiwanese students are shyer to express their opinions, therefore, being an ambassador, I would like to be the communication bridge between Taiwanese students and the university.

As a student ambassador, I would like to be able to attract and spread the word about our university to international students before they come here. Many students enjoy visiting Spain, so why not studying here? Then, helping them to overcome any difficulties with the experiences I have.


Linh Ta Phuong:

Linh Ta Phuong

As a student ambassador, I would like to be capable of attracting international student before they come study here. Many young people would like to come study in Spain, so why not considering CEU ? My experience can be useful to them and help them with any difficulty they may encounter.

Selena Iovane Ruiz:

Selena Iovane Ruiz

I was born in Switzerland and spent the first 11 years of my life in Geneva. From a spanish mother and an italian father, I have lived my whole life surrounded by many languages.   Switzerland is known  to be a cosmopolitan country where you can find different cultures, and I just love this. I want to be a student ambassador because I know the difficulty of leaving your home country. I would have loved their was more unity among all the students. We could organize funny activities and learn a lot from each others.

Let’s take advantage and enjoy the internationality around us !


The students,

We are completely sure that this semester will be very beneficial to the WASB members, dedicating their enthusiasm to work in the Council and taking advantage of the international environment and atmosphere of UCH CEU university. To all of them, THANKS!

If you are a CEU student and you want to be part of the WASB, you can do it too. We encourage you to live the experience. Here you can find the requirements to submit your application.


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