CEU Trento Marketing Challenge, a project that makes a difference

Our marketing students have participated in the Project UCH-TRENTO, an initiative of pedagogical innovation of our university that has allowed them to work in international companies with real cases. The University CEU Cardenal Herrera is the only Spanish university that integrates the initiative together with other Russian and Italian universities.

Ángel and Mario have led two different groups, with two companies with very different market needs. The experience has allowed them to get to know the functioning of international markets and analyze what is the best way how to access them.

Mario’s team consisted of three Russians, two Italians and three Spaniards. Their objective was that Stilsoft, a Russian company which is dedicated to commercialization of products related to security, will discover its possibilities in the Indian market. “The first phase consisted of description of the company and SWOT analysis of the country of origin (RUSSIA) among others. In the second phase we focused more on the country of destination, in this case INDIA. We analyzed all those internal and external variables that could affect the commercialization of our product, “recalls Mario.

The businessmen listen to the proposals of the students of Marketing of the CEU

All this resulted in the elaboration of an Internationalization Plan of the company endorsed by its directors. Months of work in which the participants had to overcome the difficulties of this challenge. According to Mario, with this type of initiative “you know what it takes for a company to make such a plan, for the cost, the time spent and all the factors that can influence, whether they are tastes, customs, political situation or the way of life of each place”.

The overall result, in any case, is more than positive: “They are ideas and projects that make a difference with respect to other universities, ideas that help us to relate to the external and therefore to push our limits”.

At the marketing faculty.
At the marketing faculty.

For Angel, the challenge UCH-TRENTO has been a great opportunity to approach the reality of the profession: “For us it will be a need to interact with people and companies from other countries, and thanks to this work, we already have a first contact with what lies ahead.”

Angel’s team, composed of students from the UCH-CEU, the Italian university Degli Studi di Trento, and the North-Caucasus Federal University, developed their plan for a company that is dedicated to industrial paints.


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