Let´s Study!



We have finished the Christmas holidays and the entry into the New Year is accompanied with nerves and stress for exams. It’s time to active and charge our batteries to achieve our best. In one week we start the exam period of the first semester in UCH CEU and we do not want to get left behind, so the university library will remain opened for 24 hours throughout January so you consult books, use the computer and group study rooms.

On the other hand, we know studying can be boring and monotonous and at times hard to understand and memorise the subjects. So we are providing you with some study tips which you can apply for your studies to be more effective:

  • Writing pen to paper. Writing what you have to learn helps to train your brain to memorize right from the beginning.
  • Use someone as a guinea pig and explain everything you know. By doing this you realize where your faults are and if you have a good understanding.
  • Take a break from time to time. It is not healthy to be studying for 24 hours continuous. You need to clear your mind, different scenery and move your body.
  • Plan to study at times that are more productive for you, be it night or day.
  • Make schemes. They are very useful to view at a glance to review previous work.

You have not excuse to postpone. Make the most of these days and Good Luck!


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