Making Africa more than just a dream

Ailin grew up in Germany surrounded by stethoscopes and pets, although the owners of the stethoscopes didn’t work with animals. The reason why this first-year student is studying Veterinary Medicine at CEU can be explained by means of a simple equation:

Passion for medicine + love for animals = Veterinary Medicine


Why did you choose to study Veterinary Medicine at CEU UCH?

It’s very hard to get a place in veterinary medicine in Germany. If I’d stayed there, I probably would have had to wait maybe five years before I would have been able to study what I wanted. So, that’s why I started to look at universities in other countries. When I found out about CEU UCH, I did a little bit of research into the University and then I just knew that this was the one for me! The day I found out that I’d been accepted I was really happy.

Where does this interest in being a vet come from?

I grew up surrounded by dogs and I’m from a family of doctors, so I’ve always had a great interest in medicine and animals, so it felt like bringing them together by studying to be a vet was the perfect thing for me to do. I’ve always been fascinated by African wildlife. That’s why I traveled to South Africa to spend six weeks as a volunteer at a rehabilitation center for monkeys after I left school. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life and so I’m absolutely sure that Veterinary Medicine is for me.


You’ve been here now for two months: has the University met your expectations? What’s the thing you like the most?

Yes, I’m very happy with everything right now. I like the fact that the University offers so many different activities and that it provides support in different ways. What I like the most is the practical training we receive at the Veterinary Hospital and the Farm.

You’ve chosen the stream of the degree which is taught in English. How’s that going?

I’m lucky that my English is pretty good. It’s meant that I’ve been able to meet people from all over the world, something that is a really special part of university life here.

Although you’ve come from another country, I suppose that you must now feel completely integrated. How do you manage your time?

It’s to be expected that you go through a period of adaptation at the beginning. But it’s just a question of time and having a little patience. Gradually, you become better at organizing your week and you start adapting better to the system and timetables.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I’m not sure yet because this degree opens up so many possibilities. Maybe I’ll end up working with exotic animals. It’s not much of a stretch to see myself working in the future in a rehabilitation center like the one I was at in Africa – but as a fully-fledged vet, of course!


We know you can do it! Thanks so much for telling us about your experience, Ailin, and good luck!

Interview by Laura Vayssettes


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