Linh, it is really a surprise to see how well you speak Spanish after just a few months. There must be a secret behind that…
Well, my parents lived in Spain for some months when I was little, though not for long. I always wanted to improve my Spanish because the more languages you speak, the more opportunities you have to meet new people and find friends! Also, now I find it easier to access different academic sources for my projects and papers. Speaking different languages is always an advantage.
Which explains why you are always hanging around The HUB 101…
Definitely. I always go to The HUB 101 mainly because I like getting in touch with other people. I think that many students don’t really know about all the activities that are organized by the Language Service but I always try to keep track of them because it is a great way to meet new friends. I’m not afraid of approaching people that i don’t know and start talking to them. I’m quite open-minded and I think that the rest of the students who go to The HUB 101 are too! When you go there you always find something interesting going on: you can discuss with a teacher in Spanish, watch movies, learn about other cultures, read magazines…
So you really have something for foreign languages.
Oh yes, I love learning new languages. I am studying Spanish (B2 level) with Raquel Nielfa and all of my classmates are French students of Veterinary and I think it is easier for them because French is also a Romance language.
As for students from other countries, I try to help them, especially those coming fro Asia. They sometimes have difficulties with the pronunciation of some words or the alphabet so, since I am Asian too, I understand their trouble and I try to help them out! Let’s say for instance the RR sound, or the G sound.
No wonder you won a prize for your participation in all the activities organized by the Language Service. You have also been working with us here at the International Relations Office these last months. Tell us more about your assistantship: what have you done, with which purpose?
During my assistantship time, I have been participating in many activities organized by the University, such as language exchange, workshops, leisure activities from Campus Life and even attending talk sessions in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Moreover, I have also gone to the city centre and to other campuses to write blog posts with the final purpose of showing international students about our university. I want to convince you to come here to Valencia and to CEU but not only to study, but to enjoy the next 4 years of university life.
About your “first” final exams here in CEU Valencia: are you ready to approach this exam period? How have you been preparing? Any hope that you will pass everything?
The finals are approaching and I am also focusing on revising and preparing. I feel nervous, but I know this is the chance to give 100% of what I have learned during the semester. I have been studying by myself, I have also made a group study with friends – it helps a lot because you can exchange ideas, and if necessary, teachers are always available to answer my questions. I hope I will pass all the subjects so I can relax in the summer!
Let’s take stock of this first year of yours in CEU Valencia…
I would give myself an 8/10!!! This year, to be honest, has been awesome: first time living alone, first time studying abroad, actually many first experiences; there have been good and bad moments, but in general, I did what I planned before coming here and I am very happy.
Tell us one thing that you never thought it would be “difficult” but it finally turned out to be, and something you thought at first it would be a great challenge but in the end it wasn’t as complicated as expected!
I would say to organize my time. During the first month my timetable was not too dense, so I managed it. Then the practical sessions are in the afternoon, on average 2 times per week and I started having less free time, but still, I have to balance with the lectures and seminars. It took a bit of effort to sit down and write down, keep track on my own timetable. As long as I can manage my daily activities, I think I am doing fine.
What do you expect from next year?
Next year I would try to keep up with the good things I have done and changed some inadequate habits. I am looking forward to continuing studying subjects related to Pharmacy, such as Pathology or Organic Chemistry, so one step closer to the pharmaceutical industry.
And after your exams: tell us what your plans for this summer are going to be!
This summer I will travel to my country, after 3 years so I am very excited. I hope that all of you (current and future students) will have great results on the exams and have a wonderful summer holiday!