So this is her story: she came from Venezuela and started studying Dentistry with us. Then one day it dawned on her that what she really liked was Veterinary and so she changed her degree. After that, her sister Oriana followed her and started her studies in Dentistry here at CEU. Then they both started collaborating wit us at the International Relations Office, but currently only Maite continues with her collaboration: and so this family story continues…
The bottom line is that they are both CEU students, always ready to help with a smile on their face and with a secret passion: Maite is a great photographer as proven in our last visit to Bioparc Valencia. We still have to discover Oriana’s secret passion, though.
¡Hola, Maite! When did you discover that you had a “thing” for photography?
When I was small I remember my parents having this point-and-shoot digital camera that I used a lot. My father, who saw that I really enjoyed taking pictures, then bought me a semi-professional camera so I could take better photographs. Then three years ago, when I left my home country Venezuela and came to Spain, my eldest sister bought me a better camera, this time a Canon EOS, and a new lens. It really made a difference to pass from the standard kit 18-55 mm lens to a 18-135 mm one because the latter allowed me to take short telephotos.
Now I am saving up to buy a good lens with a larger focal length!
Why do you like zooming in so much?
I love taking pictures of small animals, of tiny details: their eyes, their feathers, their expression…yes, macro photography is definitely my thing!
We can guess that you enjoy a lot taking pictures of…
Animals, definitely! I think that they are the most perfect creatures! I have tried with people but I cannot say that I enjoy taking portraits that much. I have really tried, though.
Is there a specific moment when you like taking photographs?
Whenever I am out of my daily routine (classes, day-to-day life…). Maybe when I go to the mountains or to the zoo…then I always make sure to bring my camera with me. Even when I am at home or around the neighbourhood I try to look for small insects or bees and start taking photos of them.
My sister likes to model and loves having pictures taken of her. Though I like doing it, I try not to schedule any “photo shoots”. I like it when things are a bit more random, spontaneous.
Where will this hobby of yours lead to?
To be honest, I have no idea! I just want to learn by myself, independently, and just focus on animals. I want this to remain a hobby, something fun to do from time to time. If I find an interesting course, it’s fine; if not, I just prefer looking for tutorials on the internet.