It’s the oldest story in the world: A friend has a friend who has a friend who… Maybe it was just a coincidence or the consequence of a really well-connected contact network, but the thing is that one day Paul came to Valencia to visit a friend. A friend who studied Architecture. A friend who studied Architecture with us. And he showed him our University. Where he could study Audiovisual Communication. Partly in English. And he liked that idea.
Here’s the rest of the story…
Tell us, Paul, what brought you to Valencia and why did you decide to study our Pathway to Audiovisual Communication?
Actually, my very close friend is studying Architecture here, at CEU Valencia. I remember the day I accompanied him to look around the campus. I just really liked the atmosphere of this place. From the very first moment I knew I was going to come back here for my own studies. Also, I’ve always wanted to go abroad. Although I love France and my home city Dijon, I always wanted to experience something new: New cultures, new languages, a new environment. Plus, it is something that will always add an extra value to your résumé, something that will always make you more employable.
I’ve noticed so far that people here in Valencia are living slower, they pay more attention to each other and just have a simple and nice conversation for no special reason. That is something you don’t see that much in France, where people seem to be always in a rush!
“I can see myself working with Youtubers and directing fantastic, adventurous videos!”
Talking about studies, it wasn’t a hard decision at all. I always knew I was going to study Audiovisual Communication. It’s because back in France I did my studies in Visual Communication and during them I realized this is something I wanted to do.
Paul tells us about his academic background in France, where he did an alternance. This type of training combines theoretical classes with practicals, giving students a real feel of the labour market when they get their diploma. By the look of some of the projects Paul shows us, he’s got a real talent for 3D modelling.

You must be some sort of a techie! What kind of arts attract you most?
I’m really interested in video montage and visual effects. I like photography, too. I love seeing good pictures that are natural and simple but at the same time the ones that transmit great ideas without showing a lot. In other words, I am passionate about creating something big out of nothing. The power of visual effects nowadays permit you to create the whole world that surround people who are acting in the movie. I find it fascinating how with a single chroma screen, you can create whatever you want. Take the Harry Potter saga for instance, all that world of fantasy has been designed and added as a layer after… and it looks so real!
The world of visual effects is swiftly changing, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I don’t have an exact plan. What I am sure about is that I want to have my own company in Advertising. For now, I want to explore many different things and then decide on to which particular sphere or field I’m going to. Since the process of creation is the most charming part for me, I am going to enjoy it as much as I can, learn new things and at the same time, find out what I am most passionate about.
Are you excited to create memories with your new colleagues and friends?
Definitely! My class is very small and we get along together really well. What I like about studying here is that I am surrounded by a multicultural environment and different cultures. I can get to know many interesting people, too. I like the way we are all trying to do our best to communicate with each other although none of us is speaking perfectly well in English. Most of the time you can find me in El Mur which is a meeting point for French students studying at CEU Valencia.

Maybe you already have some future projects related to your field of studies?
My dream is to collaborate with some Youtubers that use a chroma for making short experimental movies. I would like to direct a fantastic and adventurous one. Actually, right now I am creating a poster to sell Anthropology to new students. I can’t reveal a lot of details but I am sure about the colour that I am going to use for this project. It will be dark blue because in my opinion it represents the essence of Anthropology which is all about seeing things differently and realizing that there are always many perspectives on each matter.
“The power of visual effects nowadays permit you to create the whole world that surround people who are acting in the movie”
Really, this is one of my favourite subjects of the year: Professor Enrique Anrubia shows us how humans behave in society, and he does so in such a different way! He just gets there with no papers at all, and starts telling a story… you cannot just stop listening to him. I didn’t realize it at first but now I can clearly see how important it is for us, Communication students to understand the way our brain functions in order to create an effective form of communication. This fact motivates me even more to study Anthropology!
Seeing his interest in human behaviour, Advertising and of course Science Fiction, we cannot help but end our encounter with a book suggestion for Paul: Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. An action-packed intergalactic adventure starting (and ending) in a virtual game. And its movie adaptation did very well in cinemas. Undoubtedly because of its amazing visual effects.