New musical activity at the CEU UCH


This semester starts with a ” DO “.  The musical activity in CEU reopens its doors with the professor of Audiovisual communication degree Mr Raúl Cruz as a project guide and the support of Campus life as usual.

If you play a musical instrument, love music or want to learn from scratch, stop by the CEU Music room! Meet people with the same passion as you, share experiences and grow on a personal level.

The group meets every Tuesday at 6pm and Friday at 11am to play together, learn and enjoy this beautiful hobby. You will have the chance to meet students from other degrees and other countries where music is part of their culture, exchange experiences and learn from each others.

We have support material to carry out the projects that you propose or objectives you may have. You can participate for example in university events, make your music part of the Student Day, create a “cover” or even record your own music. You will decide of your own limit.


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