Na Jordana presentation of the “Fire” in the days of welcome


fThe Falla Na Jordana went to the welcome services and activities that are organized to welcome international students newly admitted last September 8 on the campus of Alfara del Patriarca. It is one of the new Campus Life activities organized by the University, will not want to miss this opportunity to publicize the program called “On Fire” organized in collaboration with the UCH CEU. The “stand” Na Jordana was composed of young Falleros and Falleras speaking to students who attended the fair, talking about who they are and providing information about upcoming programs that will occur throughout the Week Fallera.

They also invited the students to the official presentation they have planned a few days later, the “On Fire” program, in the Casal (House) of Na Jordana itself, located in the district of El Carme.
No shortage of course of the representatives of Na Jordana 2016, Pedro Borrego Pitarch, William Borrego Monforte and Carmen Llopis Borrego, who, incidentally, came dressed in the costume of faller and did not hesitate to take pictures and pictures with all the students who wanted take this special memory of the Fair.
Finally, it is noteworthy that it was impossible not to see them, because they brought about real ninots! Just miss the fireworks, they said, it is saved for the next meeting.


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